
30 January 2012

Karimata Resto (Part I)

Me and my husband is liking to have lunch in a resto located at Sentul area: Karimata Resto. This resto is exactly in front of exit toll Sentul Selatan. Their special menu is Ikan bakar Patin dalam bambu. Very delicious, spicy, packaged in banana leaf which put into bamboo. Smell is good: Grill fish in bamboo!

If we wanna have a lunch over there, better we have reservation first. Because of so many visitors  in the lunch time, and you have to wait untill there is available place for lunch. I had ever come without booking. We should have waited around a half hour. Be patient! said my sista'. My worm stomach was singing along waiting time. I was so hungry! I had imagined that I would eat grill fish in bamboo. Yummy..

Next time, I will tell you more detail about this resto and show you a picture of Fish in bamboo...(or you can visit their sites HERE ).

waiting untill a place is available

1 comment:

  1. kayaknya seru ya jeng, kapan2 ada kesempatan kesana ahh... :D
    eh iya, giveaway nya udah ane posting loh :)
