
26 January 2012

Imlek in Royal Safari Garden Hotel

As I ever told you that the Royal Safari hotel is our favorite place for staying in Puncak Bogor. And that happened in Imlek Vacation last week. Me and my big family stayed 2 nights at Royal Safari hotel. Starting from Saturday on 21 January  untill Monday on 23 January 2012. We know that this was an umpteenth time we stayed here. But We never feel bored. Because of having comfortable place and complete facility (you can find all place for any kinds of sports). Only one which doesn't like there: their food is not delicious! Well, we don't bother about that, cause we can find another resto around hotel. Across there is Sate H. Kadir. This Sate is very famous in Puncak area. Taste of this food is very delicious, whether it is sate or soup kambing! But If you don't like sate or soup kambing, you can walk into besides hotel and find Pecel Lele, Ayam bakar and so on. I'll bet you will not being a bum, just because you can't eat anything! hehe..

The most I like in this hotel is: every morning we can walk around, playing badminton or basket ball or table tennis, swimming in water splash, and riding bicycle. Or maybe you will try riding camel or elephant? welcome!! For who has children or baby, you can take them to playground. This area is behind the main restaurant and lobby. Another playground is located near the birds park in backyard of hotel.

Royal Safari hotel has many cottages. They also have 2 buildings as a hotel: Komodo hotel and Leopard hotel. Last hotel which called is new! Leopard is better than Komodo. It is more modern and cozy.

If you bring your big family, it's better you choose a cottage which have 1 room, 2 room till 4 rooms. Depends on how many people will stay there. I usually take a cottage which have 3 rooms. 1 room is downstairs, while else is upstairs.

Royal Safari hotel has one management with Safari Garden. That's why if we wanna go to Safari garden, we will get 50% discount for entering Safari Garden. The great adventures is in the Safari night show. They will take you around garden to see animals in the night by driving the open bus! Amazing...

let's go fishing !
playing basketball
animal lovers wanna be
in playground 


  1. wow really amazing vacation, tq 4 share :)

  2. true adventurer. H Kadir's satay very good
    I had several times felt satay H Kadir the famous

    1. beware attacked cholesterol or uric acid ! hehe..
