
01 February 2012


This is second time I join with a someone's giveaway. I hope I will be the winner (coz' I never won it hiikss...). Oke, this time, I join with Little Maya's giveaway. This giveaway is hosted by a blog belongs to a girl  who loves drawing, sketch, etc. Pointedly she has passion in art ! I really like her sketch. Check out  her blog, I'll bet you will like also! 

As the required in her giveaway's rule, let me write my passion as follow:
I have passion in writing, I really wanna be a writter someday! whether writting a book story or writting in an article of newspaper/magazine. As a beginner, I have been starting from write on my blog. But not this blog, in my another blog. 

That's all, ...I hope Mbak Maya will choose me as one of the winners, hehee...(give me a novel, please...!!)


  1. yaiy! nice writing jasmine.
    baru tau kalo passion km menulis.
    tunggu pengumumannya besok yahh ^^
    n keep writing ;)

  2. ikutan event #cecintaan yuk di Kampung Fiksi :) ke blog kami aja di ^_^

  3. I hope that you will win and get the novel.

  4. I hope you win it,, dear..
    Once you win,, you will get addicted of giveaway more and more.. hhaha. :D

    thank's for your lovely comment.. I don't like using wig, but I'm a little bit calm and more sincere about my hair now.. :D
