
17 October 2011

Komodo in everywhere...

This morning, I didn't have full jobs, so I did blog walking. Some of blogs posting the same theme: Komodo! Hm..whether in blog world, nor in real life, everybody talking about this animal! Last friday, Mr. Arif Rachman (you know him, don't you?) before giving a lecture in my office, he also talked about it.

I don't need to tell too much about why so much people talking about Komodo? Nearly  a couple months , some advertisement have requested to vote Komodo island as one of  New 7Wonders. Now, one month before the voting is closed, invitation or request to vote Komodo more frequent! 

I have never been there, I only know this island by searching in Google image search. Looks that island is so natural and amazing. Having never get there, I can only imagine: when people landing there, Komodo and its friends will say "Welcome to our land!" (with stick its tongue - as usual).

I wish the island is not creepy like its habitat! its proof: Anang (Indonesian celebrity) and his children visited there with smiley  :D  Then, what souvenir we get from there? if  Bali has a statue or carving, from Komodo island I hope bring a baby Komodo, so  I can raise it in Bogor...

Anyway, for the sign of my loving to Komodo island, I had spread "Vote Komodo", and write down in my Google Talk as my custom message : "Vote for Komodo in 7Wonders. Please type "KOMODO" and send to 9818. cost only IDR 1....for sure!!"

The last sentence " ...cost only IDR 1.." I quote from my friend's blog! I had already voted and send to 9818. Unfortunately I forgot to check my HP's pulse before I sent it. So I don't know exactly, is that right only IDR 1 ? hehe..

Now, I am waiting for my friend's comments on my GoogleTalk. Sending a message or request by Gtalk, more effective getting many responses! Last week I spread Program:  turn off your mobile phone for 2 hours on Saturday,  many friends said "OK". Some of them said " let me think!" and one of my friends said: " I really wanna support that program, but unfortunately Saturday I wanna shopping with my family, and there I 'll go to CD shop, my wife will be in Supermarket, while my kids will be in book store! So, If I turn off, how can I call them? " ..hmm..


  1. article komodo are interesting to follow

    New issue 7Wonders of a few months ago. I've been campaigning. through an article on my blog

    should we support the komodo

  2. @AStyNNS: silahkan...
    @Wisata: Hope it can be one of 7wonders!

  3. Dukung Mba dan selalu vote Komodo.

    Sukses selalu
    Ejawantah's Blog
